Specific areas you need to strengthen to improve your riding technique.

Spring is in the air. Horseback riders will be getting their core and leg muscles back into riding shape. Initially, some aches and pain will result from your training sessions.
Horseback riding is a physically demanding sport. Your entire body is used when you ride. Horseback riding strengthens your horse’s muscles and your own. It is essential to know the specific areas you need to strengthen to improve your riding technique.
Failing to maintain your muscle strength and flexibility can lead to injury. Some of the most common injuries are muscle stains: groin strain, lower back pain, and Achilles tendonitis. Due to poor muscle balance, ACL injuries and meniscus can occur. Preparation is vital because more severe injuries from accidents can happen.
Strengthening and stretching your hips, legs, and core muscles will improve riding techniques and decrease the risk of injury. Along with exercise, using Dr. Milt’s Magnesium Jockey Rub before and after your ride.
The main muscles used for horseback riding are:
- Abdominals
- Erector Spinae Group
- Gluteus Maximus & Medius
- Hip Abductors & Adductors
- Hip Extensors
- Iliacus
- Obliques
- Pectoralis Major & Minor
- Piriformis
- Psoas
- Quadratus Lumborum
- Scapular Stabilizers
- Transverse Abdominis
Most riders, no matter their discipline, have developed these muscles. Knowing more about these specific areas can help you train better and avoid bad habits.
Feel free to research these muscle groups further HERE.
Just as you would perform exercises with your horse to build up their strength and stamina, it is just as crucial to build up your own.
Strength Exercises for Equestrians:
Yoga: Increases flexibility and posture. It is also a great stress reliever. You can sign up for a yoga class at your gym or yoga studio. There are also many online videos and classes you can use to practice yoga in your home.
Core Strengthening: Abdominal exercises will help you have more balance while riding. 10-15 min daily of core exercises such as crunches, planks, bicycle, and toe taps. During warm-up and cool-down rides, you can practice your “two-point” or jumping position on your horse to build your core strength.
Leg workouts: To improve your leg strength, perform squats and wall-sits. These exercises will help you support your horse with a steady and still leg position.
Cardio: Running, jumping rope, or swimming for 30 min, 3 times a week can help build your endurance and stamina. Cardio exercise will help you ride longer, especially on long, hot, summer days.
Best Stretches for Horse Riders:
- Hip Opening Stretches: Pigeon Pose, Hip & Quad Stretch, Figure-Four Stretch
- Spine & Back Stretches: Supine Twist, Standing Forward Fold, Cat/Cow Stretch
- Upper Body Stretches: Bicep & Chest Stretches, Overhead Stretch
Using Dr. Milt’s Magnesium Equine Topicals for your horse and Jockey Rub for yourself before and after your ride can help elevate some pain and discomfort.
For best results: Use Dr. Milt’s Magnesium Jockey Rub Spray on your problem areas and let dry. (The spray is for fast-acting relief.) Then apply a generous amount of Dr. Milt’s Magnesium Jockey Rub Cream on top. (The cream is time-released and provides longer-lasting effects.)
Dr. Milt's Magnesium Topicals Soothes sore, swollen joints, and muscles to ease discomfort. “USP-Grade Epsom Salt in a bottle.”
Dr. Milt’s Equine Topicals absorb into the skin to relieve aches and pain associated with tension and inflammation. They take the place of messy time-consuming clay poultice. Dr. Milt's is "No Mess Poultice!"
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